MACHINES WE stand behind

Sometimes there may be reasons to choose for used equipment. Of course, in any case, you prefer a high-quality and reliable machine. You have come to the right place for that!

We have a dedicated department within Vermeer Benelux that specializes in reconditioning traded-in equipment. We do whatever it takes to get a machine tip top again. This can sometimes even mean that a machine is completely stripped and rebuilt!

As a dealer, we naturally have the know-how to do this properly, and we have access to the original parts. Before used machine is released, all official Vermeer test protocols are gone through and a test report is drawn up. In this way we can stand 100% behind our used machines, and thus uphold the name of Vermeer.


Tom Devriendt
Location BE
+32 3 292 37 40
Marcel Grootjans
Location NL
VerhuurGebruikte machines
+31 113 22 41 46